We are delighted to announce that SAA Approvals has been provisionally accepted as a Recognising NCB in Australia by the IECEE.
Our certificate can be viewed here: https://www.iecee.org/dyn/www/f?p=106:7:0::::FSP_ORG_ID:27899
We look forward to expanding on the opportunities afforded by membership of the IECEE community in the coming months.
在未来日子里, 我司非常期待能够拓展和IECEE成员的合作机会.
Meanwhile, we are hard at work maintaining our schedule as we operate under some Covid restrictions in various forms across our 3 locations in Brisbane, Melbourne and Christchurch.
与此同时, 鉴于我司有三个办公地点,布里斯班, 墨尔本, 基督城, 各自受到当地政府针对疫情的不同限制, 一定程度上加大了我们维持项目进度的难度,但是我们正全力以赴地跟进加快项目审理进度.,
If you have any questions for us, please do not hesitate to either email us directly, or contact us through the portal on our website.
SAA Approvals is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) as a third party certification body to issue certificates for electrical equipment that has proven to comply with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard.
SAA Approvals is accepted and gazetted by the New South Wales Fair Trading as a Recognised External Approvals Scheme (REAS) and Queensland Electrical Safety Office as a Recognised External Certification Scheme (RECS).
The General Manager
SAA Approvals Pty Ltd
PO Box 189
Cannon Hill QLD 4170