New South Wales have updated Schedule 1 of the Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2004 for Declared Electrical Articles. For the latest list, please visit our summary here:
We have been in contact with the Standards committee in charge of AS/NZS 5033 and AS 4777 to clarify the content of our last newsletter.
The most important point is that IEC 62109 has an applicable date of July 16 2013. This means we will not be requiring proof of compliance to 62109 until July 16 2013.
Until that time we will continue to accept AS 4777 and AS/NZS 3100 as basis for certification of grid tie inverters associated with PV arrays.
The other major point is that the new version of AS 4777 which will also require compliance to IEC 62109 is still at the draft stage and must go for public comment.
Therefore, we will not expect to see this standard for at least 9 months.
Until we advise otherwise, AS/NZS 3100 must still be assessed for grid tie inverters.
There are many other discussion points about the testing and we will prepare a webpage for this subject once we have feedback from the regulators and the committee.
Please refer to our terms and conditions for examples of acceptable reports:
4. Test Report
Test Reports must be endorsed and from a recognised and acceptable laboratory and may be the original or a certified copy as detailed in the Form Guides. An abbreviated listing is set out below:
– A NATA report or from a laboratory accredited by a laboratory accreditation body which has a mutual recognition agreement with NATA (see ILAC and APLAC); or
– A CB Test Report issued under the IECEE CB Scheme. CBTL without certificate but TMP, WMT & SMT with CB Certificate.[:]
SAA Approvals is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) as a third party certification body to issue certificates for electrical equipment that has proven to comply with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard.
SAA Approvals is accepted and gazetted by the New South Wales Fair Trading as a Recognised External Approvals Scheme (REAS) and Queensland Electrical Safety Office as a Recognised External Certification Scheme (RECS).
The General Manager
SAA Approvals Pty Ltd
PO Box 189
Cannon Hill QLD 4170