The New Zealand Government issued some gazette notices on the 2nd August 2022 which imposed conditions on acceptance of EESS certificates, which were previously accepted as issued for Australia.
新西兰政府于2022年8月2日颁布了一些新的公报通知,对EESS证书引入了一些条件限制. 这些条件限制早先适用于澳大利亚.
You can find the gazette notices (only notices 2022-au3179 & 2022-au3180 apply to private certifiers) here: Gazette notices | WorkSafe. Further information on NZ medium and high risk articles can also be found through the Worksafe website.
您可以在此链接Gazette notices | WorkSafe中查看这些通知(仅2022-au3179 & 2022-au3180适用于私有证书颁发机构). 您也可以在Worksafe网站上找到关于新西兰中高风险等级产品的进一步信息.
Point 5 of the gazette notices 2022-au3179 & 2022-au3180 sets out that the notices apply for new certificates issued from 1 January 2023. I suggest you read the exclusion very carefully.
通知2022-au3179 & 2022-au3180中条款5指出该通知适用于2023年1月1日起颁发的新证书. 建议您仔细阅读.
We will in the future offer a service to include New Zealand on our certificates. If the conditions below are followed at the time of application, and it is clear on the application form that New Zealand is required, there will be an extra charge of AUD 150 (plus GST if applicable) for the application. If certificates have to be modified to include New Zealand at a later date, the usual modification fees (AUD 550 plus GST) apply.
未来我司证书也将涵盖新西兰. 如果在提交申请时遵循了如下条件限制, 并且申请表上明确指出需要涵盖新西兰,那么将会额外收取150澳币(澳洲申请人需附加GST)的费用. 如果现有证书需要在未来某个时间做修改以涵盖新西兰,那么费用为常规费用550澳币(澳洲申请人需附加GST).
The main conditions that we must achieve as a RECS/EESS certifier is to ensure the following:
功率包括230V和400Vac,作为额定电压或者在额定电压范围内. 除非是附件或者线缆类产品,该类产品的额定电压可能超出此数值.
2. All test reports must be less than 5 years old on the day we certify.
3. The certificate also specifies it is for New Zealand.
There are more points in the gazettes which we must follow, but they are achievable and nothing to worry about.
SAA Approvals is accredited by the Joint Accreditation Service of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) as a third party certification body to issue certificates for electrical equipment that has proven to comply with the safety requirements of the applicable Australian Standard.
SAA Approvals is accepted and gazetted by the New South Wales Fair Trading as a Recognised External Approvals Scheme (REAS) and Queensland Electrical Safety Office as a Recognised External Certification Scheme (RECS).
The General Manager
SAA Approvals Pty Ltd
PO Box 189
Cannon Hill QLD 4170